Keynote Speakers_2024
Life Fellow of IEEE Speech Title: The Age of AI S.Y. Kung, Life Fellow of IEEE, is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Princeton University. His research areas include VLSI array processors, AI algorithms, machine learning, deep learning networks, neural architectural search, and compressive privacy. He was a founding member of several Technical Committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He was elected to Fellow of IEEE in 1988 and served as a Member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (1989-1991). He was a recipient of IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Achievement Award for the contributions on "parallel processing and neural network algorithms for signal processing" (1992); a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Signal Processing Society (1994); a recipient of IEEE Signal Processing Society's Best Paper Award (1996); IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000), and CIE-USA’s Distinguished Achievement Award (2023). Since 1990, he has been the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems. He has authored and co-authored more than 500 technical publications and numerous textbooks including ``VLSI Array Processors'', Prentice-Hall (1988); ``Digital Neural Networks'', Prentice-Hall (1994) ; ``Principal Component Neural Networks'', John-Wiley (1996); ``Biometric Authentication: A Machine Learning Approach'', Prentice-Hall (2004); and ``Kernel Methods and Machine Learning”, Cambridge University Press (2014). |
Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore Speech Title: Movable Antenna (MA) Aided Wireless Communications: Opportunities and Challenges Dr. Rui Zhang (Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the Academy of Engineering Singapore) received the Ph.D. degree from Stanford University in electrical engineering in 2007. From 2007 to 2009, he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Infocomm Research, ASTAR, Singapore. Since 2010, he has joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National University of Singapore, where he was appointed as a Provost’s Chair Professor in 2020. He is now a Principal’s Diligence Chair Professor in School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. His current research interests include wireless information and power transfer, UAV/satellite communications, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) and reconfigurable MIMO. He has published over 500 papers, which have been cited more than 80,000 times with the h-index over 130. He has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters / Clarivate Analytics since 2015. He was the recipient of the IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Region Best Young Researcher Award in 2011, the Young Researcher Award of National University of Singapore in 2015, the Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award in 2020, the IEEE Signal Processing and Computing for Communications (SPCC) Technical Recognition Award in 2021, and the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (TCCN) Recognition Award in 2023. He received 17 IEEE Best Journal Paper Awards, including the IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications (twice), the IEEE Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Prize Paper Award (thrice), the IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, etc. He has served as an Editor for several IEEE journals, including TWC, TCOM, JSAC, TSP, TGCN, etc., and as TPC co-chair or organizing committee member for over 30 international conferences. He served as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2019-2020. |